Male Breast Reduction

We offer the top male breast reduction procedure to address
gynecomastia. This procedure can help patients gain confidence
and reveal a more toned appearance. Dr. Kapoor and Dr. Schlenker
provide individualized care for each patient. Male breast reduction
results are long-lasting and can be seen immediately.

Male Breast Reduction Beverly Hills

Gynecomastia is the breast enlargement of the male chest and is a fairly common condition while most causes go unknown the condition has been associated with certain drugs and medical conditions. A male breast enlargement, also known as gynecomastia, can be defined as excess tissue on a male chest. That tissue is either fat or breast tissue (gland) and most often a combination of both. Gynecomastia develops when that breast tissue begins to increase or there is fat tissue added as well. There is no diet, no exercise, no pills, no injections, etc. which can provide any substantial improvement other than performing this medical procedure. Once the male breast reduction procedure is performed and all the excess tissue is removed, the results are long-lasting and the tissue does not re-grow. Get the best male breast reduction Beverly Hills has to offer with us!

Male Breast Reduction Beverly Hills
Real Patients
Before and After

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male breast reduction beverly hills
gynecomastia treatment beverly hills
Award Winning Surgeon
Award Winning Surgeon
Affordable Easy Financing
Affordable Easy Financing

Male Breast Reduction Consultation

Dr. Kapoor or Dr. Schlenker will meet with each patient individually to assess their candidacy for the male breast reduction procedure. During this initial consultation, the doctor will perform a short exam of the breast region and discuss the patient’s ideal aesthetic. He will then create a personalized treatment plan. The doctor will also spend time educating the patient on all procedural details. Dr. Kapoor and Dr. Schlenker are available as knowledgeable resources for the patient throughout their entire care to ensure a comfortable experience at our facility.

Showering, Exercise, & Physical Activity After Surgery

Recovery time varies depending upon the surgeon and techniques used. You may shower the next day after your operation, but it is mandatory that you wear a compression vest for a month before and after your shower. You may start light exercise after 3 weeks and return to normal physical activities without restrictions after 6 weeks recovery. Restrictions may vary slightly with different surgeons therefore be sure to check in with Dr. Kapoor and or with Dr. Schlenker before you choose to hit the gym.

Recovery After Male Breast Reduction Surgery

Bruising & Swelling After Gynecomastia Surgery

After a  procedure, it is normal to feel sore and have some bruising and swelling. Dr. Kapoor or Dr. Schlenker will prescribe medication that will help you feel more comfortable during the first day or two following your surgery. Wearing a prescribed elasticized bandage will help alleviate swelling. You’ll be advised to wear this for a couple of weeks, particularly at night when sleeping. Dr. Kapoor or Dr. Schlenker will give you detailed postoperative instructions that will help you feel comfortable and enhanced the healing process.

Final Results After Surgery

While the majority of swelling is gone in one month final results may take several months. The skin still may not be tight if there was a large amount of excess skin before the male breast reduction procedure. In rare instances, some excess skin may need to be removed after healing has taken place to achieve optimal results. Do not forget to discuss the possibility of needing revisions with. Dr. Kapoor and Dr. Schlenker at your initial consultation. Rests assure that Dr. Kapoor and Dr. Schlenker make every effort to minimize the need for additional revision surgery so that you may have a result that will last a lifetime.


Board Certified Plastic Surgeons


436 N Roxbury Dr #117,
Beverly Hills, CA 90210, USA
(310) 385-9623 (phone)
(310) 385-8450 (fax)

Our cosmetic surgery office in Beverly Hills is eager to answer your questions and are here to assist you with scheduling your consultation.

Start enjoying renewed confidence and health today!





    Gynecomastia & Male Breast Reduction FAQ

    What is Gynecomastia ?

    Gynecomastia or Male Breast Reduction improves the contour of the chest to create a firmer, flatter appearance. For many men, this improves their self-confidence and self-esteem as well. Similar in many ways to the breast reduction procedure for women, this procedure, removes fat and some glandular tissue from the breasts and in extreme cases, excess skin as well. The result: a firmer, flatter, better-contoured and masculine-like chest.

    Who Are The Best Candidates For This Type Of Procedure?

    Men with large or sagging breasts can be both physically and emotionally uncomfortable, often restricting themselves from certain activities because they feel self-conscious about their breast size. Best candidates for male breast reduction include physically healthy men who are looking to improve breasts that are more feminine than masculine in appearance. The best results are often achieved on those with firm, elastic skin. The surgery is not advised for individuals who drink or smoke heavily or take steroids until all habits have been stopped. The procedure is also not recommended for obese men or overweight men who have not yet tried to improve their breast appearance through exercise and weight loss. If you need to remove excess body fat, refer to liposuction and or a tummy tuck as an addition to surgery.

    Why Do You Want Gynecomastia Surgery?

    The presence of gynecomastia has a profound physical and emotional effect on a man. For young and sensitive adolescent boys, it may lead to isolation, poor self-image, loss of self-esteem, reluctance to socialize with women and even poor grades at school. It is a source of continued embarrassment and emotional distress. If you would like to reduce your enlarged sagging breasts due to massive weight loss or even because of your genetics. If you prefer to reshape your puffy or enlarged nipples to balance out the size of the nipples, and increase your confidence in the clothes that you wear or even when you are shirtless, this procedure is for you.

    How Is The Surgery Performed?

    Board-certified plastic surgeons Dr. Kapoor and Dr. Schlenker may perform the procedure onsite at their Beverly Hills Wellness Surgery Center; a state of the art JCAHO-certified facility. The procedure is usually performed under general anesthesia and lasts two or more hours. One or both breasts may be treated as needed. If the enlargement is primarily caused by excess fatty tissue, this can be removed with liposuction alone. If excess glandular tissue and skin are involved, this will require excision. Often a combination of the two techniques is needed for a male breast reduction procedure.

    What Should You Expect After A Male Breast Reduction?

    Patients are prescribed medication after surgery due to the common bruising and swelling in the first few weeks after the operation. An elastic pressure garment will need to be worn around the clock for the first two weeks and then only at night for several weeks more. Stitches are then removed within one to two weeks. Our Beverly Hills patients are often able to return to work one week after surgery. However, strenuous activities will need to be avoided for a minimum of three weeks. It’s also advised that sex be postponed for a couple of weeks. The scars should be protected from sun exposure for at least six months after a male breast reduction procedure. We are known for providing the best plastic surgery Beverly Hills has available with beautiful results.

    Contact Us
    436 N Roxbury Dr #117, Beverly Hills, CA 90210, USA Phone: (310) 385-9623
    Fax: (310) 385-8450

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