Eyelid Surgery Beverly Hills

The aging process can cause unwanted changes in expression, causing us to look permanently fatigued and older than we are. These changes in appearance can cause emotional distress and sometimes even visual impairment due to overhanging eyelids that can lead to other facial conditions. Our doctors understand your need for a younger, brighter, and healthier appearance. Fortunately, the elimination of excess skin and deep groves underneath the eyes can help achieve that goal. Operations of the eyes restore a more youthful appearance to the eyes, whether it is the upper eyelids, lower eyelids, or both. Schedule a consultation with Dr. Vishal Kapoor for natural and younger looking overall facial features. It is the surrounding skin, rather than the eyes themselves that convey emotions and a wide array of expressions that most people see. Get the best eyelid surgery Beverly Hills has to offer with us. Experience a facial rejuvenation with one of the top Beverly Hills plastic surgery today.

Popular Eyelid Surgeries

Eyelid surgery is also known as blepharoplasty, eyelid lift, or eye lift is a cosmetic procedure growing in popularity for those who are looking to enhance the overall appearance of their face. Check out our photo gallery of our eyelid surgery patients. People undergo blepharoplasty to treat the following:

  • Bags under the eyes, also known as dark circles.
  • Fatty deposits under the eye that give a puffy appearance.
  • Ptosis, or droopy eyelids that appear to fall or sink lower than it's normal position.
  • Excess, sagging skin on the upper eyelid that can affect the natural fold and can even compromise one's vision.
  • Fine line and wrinkles around the lower eyelid that make you look older.

Upper Eyelid Surgery

Upper blepharoplasty typically treats excess skin on the upper eyelids. This procedure can be done for cosmetic reasons, functional purposes, or both. Ptosis is the dropping of the upper eyelid, which can partially cover the pupil and hinder one's vision. Upper eyelid surgery removes the excess skin and fat to repair the effects of ptosis while also improving the aesthetics and symmetry of one's eyelids.

Lower Eyelid Surgery

Lower blepharoplasty often deals with general puffiness and dark circles under the eyes. These features often give a perpetual facial expression of fatigue and can make you look older than you are. This procedure addresses the fat buildup under the eyes to provide a more youthful, lively appearance. A popular non-surgical alternative for hollow looking lower eyelids is the use of injectable fillers.

Asian Eyelid Surgery

Asian blepharoplasty primarily deals with the contours of the eyes and creates a double fold on the upper eyelid. Evidently, a feature prevalent among Asian people is the lack of a double fold or crease on the upper eyelid. This procedure can enhance one's look from a sleepy, angry expression to a vibrant, younger one.

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Eyelid Lift / Blepharoplasty Options
Breast Augmentation
Upper Eyelids

Best procedure for those with droopy, overhanging eyelids that causes frequent blinking discomfort to their vision. Vast majority of patients opt for local anesthesia since it is faster. During the procedure, Dr. Kapoor will remove the excess skin using a scalpel, carbon dioxide laser, or radiofrequency cutting device. For those with bulging fat in the upper eyelid, the fat is then either sculpted away or repositioned. The wound is then closed with sutures, and the incisions are situated within the normal skin crease of the eyelid so that the incision scars is hidden and becomes invisible when healed. Upper eyelid blepharoplasty is sometimes performed at the same time as minimal invasive brow lifting.

Lower Eyelids

This procedure is often requested by patients who are fed up with their under eye bags and dark circles. For patients with excess skin causing wrinkles, the incision can be made in the skin just below the eyelash line. In patients where skin redundancy is not an issue and the only problem is having eyelid bags due to bulging orbital fat, the incision can be made along the inside of the lower eyelid. This is called the transconjunctival where the fat prolepses can be addressed resulting in suture less scar less surgery. All lower eyelid blepharoplasty performed will be individualized towards the patient. Dr. Kapoor will discuss with you a personalized treatment plan catering to your wishes and expectations. Lower eyelid blepharoplasty is sometimes performed at the same time as minimal invasive brow lifting.

Vision Improvement

In extreme cases, drooping or saggy eyelids can actually hinder a person’s vision by blocking their field of view. In such cases, the excess skin and fat tissue can be removed and the remaining skin can be re-draped so that it both improves the patient’s appearance and their vision. If your vision is partially blocked as a result of excessively sagging eyelids, eyelid lift may be an option.


Board Certified Plastic Surgeons


436 N Roxbury Dr #117,
Beverly Hills, CA 90210, USA
(310) 385-9623 (phone)
(310) 385-8450 (fax)

Our cosmetic surgery office in Beverly Hills is eager to answer your questions and are here to assist you with scheduling your consultation.

Start enjoying renewed confidence and health today!





    Eyelid Surgery – What To Expect

    What is an eyelid lift / blepharoplasty?

    Any operations involving the eyes are known as blepharoplasty or eyelid lifts eliminate the look of distress and fatigue. It involves the removal of loose hanging skin and fatty tissue from the upper or lower eyelids. This procedure will eliminate the “bags" leaving your eyes free of wrinkles and puffiness. Eyelid surgery is unique in its ability to aid with vision problems and create an aesthetic improvement.

    When to consider blehparoplasty?

    You should consider an eyelid lift or blepharoplasty when you have excess hanging skin obscuring the natural fold of the upper eyelids and folds over the eyelashes. In severe conditions, you may consider eyelid surgery if you have deep grooves under your eyes while your upper and lower eyelids appear puffy, which cause a look of fatigue and older age in your eyes. Some patients refer to eyelid surgery when their upper eye surface is too small or not smooth enough to apply makeup.

    What to expect at your eyelid lift consultation?

    It is a good idea to prepare when coming in for a cosmetic plastic surgery consultation. Come equipped with items such as your complete medical history and past and present medical conditions. A previous photo of yourself at an earlier age is a great way to help reference your goals. You will be establishing a treatment plan with Dr. Kapoor to find out the perfect procedure for you. The outcome of your procedure will include treatment and financing options. We will share before and after photos of patients with cases similar to yours to provide a reference point and better understanding. Dr. Kapoor will answer any questions you have so that you can feel at ease with the operation.

    How should you prepare for your blepharoplasty?

    First off, to have a successful result, you will have to quit smoking for at least six weeks before undergoing the procedure to promote better healing. In advance of your surgery, avoid taking aspirin, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications (NSAIDS) and vitamins that can increase bleeding. Regardless of the type of procedures you may require, hydration is essential. Proper hydration before and after the operation is critical for optimal results. Eyelid surgery an outpatient process so be sure to arrange for someone to drive you home after the operation and to stay with you for the first night.

    What are the eyelid surgery aftercare and recovery tips?

    First couple of days – Treat the incisions with ointment to keep them lubricated and place compresses on the eyes to reduce swelling. Eye drops are encouraged to keep eyes from drying out. Minimize swelling and bruising by keeping your head elevated and sleeping with your head rose higher than your chest.

    First week – Plan to relax, stay indoors, and use cold compresses on your eyes on the day of surgery as well as the following week. Restrict strenuous activities in which you must move your head abruptly or that increase the blood pressure in your head such as bending over or lifting heavy objects.

    First two weeks – You will feel well enough to resume normal activities around the tenth day of recovery. You may notice that your eyes tire easily, therefore, take frequent naps. Avoid straining your eyes with activities such as reading, watching television, wearing eye contacts, and using the computer. Wear dark sunglasses to protect your eyes from the sun and wind once you are out and about.

    How long will my eyelid surgery results last?

    Eye lift or blepharoplasty results should be long-lasting. For the most part, it should only require one procedure. However, as aging continues, your brows can droop or descend, causing excess skin to reappear on the upper eyelid. The solution, in that case, is a brow lift, not a second upper blepharoplasty. The same goes for the lower blepharoplasty, which should only require one procedure to remove eye bags and puffiness. Get the one of the best eyelid surgery Beverly Hills has available with us!

    Contact Us
    436 N Roxbury Dr #117, Beverly Hills, CA 90210, USA Phone: (310) 385-9623
    Fax: (310) 385-8450

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